30 December 2010


I’m going to be as bilingual (English and Spanish) as I can in this blog. Comments are welcome in either language. I’ll appreciate any corrections to my Spanish.

Voy a tratar de ser bilingüe (Inglés y Español) en este blog. Los invito a escribir comentarios en cualquier idioma. Agradecería a tod@s que corrijan mi Español.
I also teach English as a second language. I invite learners to submit any questions about English that they may have.

29 December 2010


This is a new blog, and I hope my friends will have suggestions for content. At this moment it's only a place for a few thoughts.
Este blog es nuevo, y espero que mis amig@s tendrán sugerencias para su contenido. Ahora sólo es un lugar para algunos pensamientos.